Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women: A Capacity Building Training on Health Rights, Gender-Based Violence, and Reporting Mechanisms

HiVoices’ capacity-building training has unlocked a brighter future for adolescent girls and young women, illuminating a path toward empowerment and change. By educating and equipping these individuals with knowledge and resources, Voices has ignited a spark that will ripple through communities, fostering a wave of positive transformation.


These young women now possess the tools to assert their health rights, combat gender-based violence, and become catalysts for change. In a world where marginalized voices often go unheard, Voices has amplified their voices, ensuring their rights are respected, their stories are heard, and their future is filled with promise.


This initiative is a powerful testament to the transformative potential of education and empowerment in building a more just and equitable society. By investing in the potential of these young women, Voices is shaping a brighter future for all.



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