Empowering the Youth: Voices Hosts Interactive Session and Awareness Walk on Human Rights Day

Hivoices and Agahi joined forces to commemorate World Human Rights Day with a dynamic capacity-building interactive session and awareness walk for young people. The event, titled “What are Human Rights: Find Out,” aimed to enlighten and empower youth about the significance of human rights and their role in advocating for these fundamental principles.


Through engaging discussions, workshops, and presentations, participants gained a deeper understanding of human rights, their history, and their impact on daily life. Experts and speakers shared insights, emphasizing the universal nature of human rights and the importance of youth involvement in promoting and protecting these rights.


The awareness walk that followed showcased impactful play cards conveying powerful messages about human rights, including freedom of expression, gender equality, education, and social justice. As participants walked through public spaces, the visual messages resonated with onlookers, sparking conversations and inspiring positive action.


By fostering a sense of responsibility among young individuals, Voices and Agahi contributed to the global effort to build a more just and equitable society where human rights are upheld and protected for all.



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