Empowering Youth in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS


In a recent UNAIDS webinar, experts and activists came together to discuss “Network & Organisational Strengthening for Adolescent and Young Key Population-Led Initiatives.”


Youth-focused work was at the heart of the discussion, highlighting innovative approaches to engage and empower young people.


Speakers addressed challenges faced by adolescent and young key populations, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions.


Organizations showcased their efforts in supporting youth-led initiatives through advocacy, education, and community mobilization.


HiVoices CEO Tayyabroham stressed the importance of diverse voices, championing inclusivity and intersectionality.


The webinar’s goal was clear: global collaboration to address challenges faced by adolescent and young key populations.


Let’s amplify youth voices, foster collaboration, and build a world where every young person’s health and well-being matter.


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